Last week David
Warren wrote “I have long
supposed the Devil’s ‘fan base’ is to be found overwhelmingly on the political
Left. The cause is obvious: they are the godless parties.” I agree with this. I usually find myself in agreement with what the
former editor of The Idler and Ottawa Citizen columnist writes. Usually, not always. I don’t agree with him that St. Peter was
given a universal jurisdiction over the other Apostles and the entire Church
which has descended to the Patriarch of Rome to this day although
I rather admire the way he has handled that office being currently
held by someone who is clearly not what the Presbyterian Anne Blythe nee
Shirley would have called a “kindred spirit.”
Of course this is a relatively new belief of his. He entered the
Roman Communion in 2003. Back
when I was reading him in print in the 1990s he was still a member of the Anglican
Communion to which I currently belong, although at the time alluded to I was
attending Non-Conformist meetings of a very Low Church sort. Looking back, it must have been somewhere
around the time that he crossed the Tiber that my theology started to develop
along the High Church lines that put me on the Canterbury trail by the end of
the decade. I also no longer share his
current admiration for Donald the Orange, although in the interest of being
fair I do admire the dismantling of America’s “deep state” that Warren was
praising in the piece quoted above.
While Trump initially lost my admiration the moment he first threatened
Anschluss against Canada I have since come to see that he is someone who no
Christian of any Communion who is familiar with Scripture and Tradition should
be supporting because he has formed a cult of followers around himself that
make blasphemous
him that he has never repudiated, at
one point retweeted, and has both
made himself and encouraged among his followers. In the most recent example, Paula White, the
heretical televangelist whom Trump
has appointed the head of his newly created “White House Faith Office”
formed ostensibly for the purposes of combatting anti-Christian discrimination,
blasphemously said “To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God.” In the early centuries of Christianity, when
persecution came from officials of the Roman Empire, it was because Christians
refused to accept the claims of divinity that the state cult made for the
That having been said, I reiterate that I do agree with
Warren’s statement about the Devil’s fan base being “overwhelming on the
political Left.” In this essay,
however, I intend to demonstrate that the Devil’s can sometimes more
effectively work through those who are not his fans, those who are not openly
on his side. The first step in the
demonstration is to ask a question.
If the Devil’s fans are on the Left what are we to make of a
“Right” that has largely aligned itself with a cult that worships a false
This is an important question to ask because historically the
home of political messianism has been on the Left. The idea that political action is the path of
salvation is arguably the defining characteristic of the historical Left. The
Right’s historical attitude has been to reject this idea and to regard the
various schemes that have been hatched out of it with the appropriate response
ranging from skepticism to horror. If it
be countered that the “far Right” twentieth century movements Fascism and
Nazism both preached a form of political national salvation, the response is
that these movements were not related to the historical and traditional Right,
did not consider themselves to be on the Right – Nazism stands for “National
Socialism” and regarded itself as a revolutionary rather than a reactionary
party – rejected all the principles of the historical and traditional Right,
formed regimes that resembled those of Communism, and are only considered on
the “Right” because the Left has so categorized them.
This “Right” that so blasphemously looks upon Donald the
Orange as a “Saviour” is obviously primarily an American phenomenon based in
the United States of America. This
itself is sufficient to explain its turn to political messianism. The American Right has no more of a
relationship with the historical and traditional Right than Fascism or National
Socialism did because the United States was founded on the repudiation of the
principles of the historical and traditional Right.
The historical and traditional Right was essentially the
resistance of Christendom – Christian civilization – to its being replaced with
Western Civilization – Modern, liberal, secular civilization. As such, it held the worldview of
Christendom, a worldview incompatible with theories of political salvation such
as were to become all too numerous in the politics of Modern, liberal, secular,
Western Civilization. The struggles and
woes of man in this world are a condition from which he cannot extract himself
because they are the consequences of Original Sin – he is in exile from
Paradise Lost. The State has been given
to man, therefore, not to save him from his condition, but to administer
earthly justice and enforce the laws made necessary by Original Sin. Although salvation was accomplished by God in
this present world in history through the events of the Gospel, and can be
partially enjoyed in this present world in Christ’s spiritual kingdom the
Church in her “militant” mode, the full enjoyment of salvation, Paradise
Regained is to be looked for outside of history, after the event that will
bring history to a close, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to “judge both the
quick and the dead.”
The historical and traditional principles of the Right are
basically three – one political, one religious, and one that combines the
political and the religious. The
political principle is royal monarchy.
Not just monarchy, the governance of the one. Dictatorship or tyranny,
the absolute rule of someone propelled into power by the mob, is a perverse
example of that. Royal monarchy or kingship, the reign of someone selected not by
popular election but by an established line of secession that places his office
above democratic politics, who accedes immediately on the death of the previous
Sovereign, but is confirmed in the office by swearing oaths before and to God
in the Church. The religious principle
is orthodox Christian Churchmanship which is the confession and practice of the
orthodox Christian faith of the ancient Creeds, in a Church in organic descent
from the Church in Jerusalem, with valid Sacraments administered by the
ministerial priesthood governed by bishops in Apostolic succession. The third principle is the union of Church
and State, not in the sense of a theocracy in which the Church rules the State
or Erastianism in which the State rules the Church, but in the sense of the
co-operative relationship between the Christian kings of the first principle,
and the orthodox Church of the second principle, in which each exercises their
authority in their own sphere to uphold the other in its sphere.
The most legitimate Right is the Right that continues to
hold to these principles. The second
most legitimate Right is that which defends the other good things that the Left
turned to attacking after its war on kings, the Church, and Christendom’s union
of Church and State. Any list of such good things would have to be
representative as the Left is constantly adding to it. The American Right at its best – and it is
far from its best at the moment – can only ever be a version of the second most
legitimate Right, because the United States was founded on an explicit
repudiation of the first and third principles, by Puritans, freemasons, and
deists who had personally repudiated the second.
Does this mean that the United States was founded as a
country of the Left?
Yes and no. The
United States was built on the foundation of liberalism. While “liberalism” and “the Left” have often
been used interchangeably they are not identical. Think of a river, flowing from a spring, from
which, near the source, a tributary breaks off.
Now, if you think of the spring as the turning away of Modern philosophy
from Christianity and the traditions of Christendom, liberalism as the river
flowing from it, and the Left as the tributary, you will have the basic idea of
the relationship between these things.
It should be added that throughout their history the streams of
liberalism and the Left have sometimes moved closer to each other and sometimes
further apart.
Now, while liberalism’s repudiation of the principles of
Christendom and the Right was bad and places it on the Devil’s side along with
the Left, the ideas of liberalism were not all bad, and those that were bad
were not all bad to the same degree. It
was necessary that this be the case for the Devil’s trick to work. For that trick is simply this, to present
people with two options, one on the Left that is more or less explicitly evil,
the other, a more palatable liberal option that can be marketed as
“conservative” and to tell people they have to choose one or the other. I am not thinking primarily of party politics
although the American two-party system does provide an illustration of how the
trick works. The most recent Democratic
presidential candidates have been people who think women have the right to
murder their babies, that white people should be made into racial scapegoats
for the problems of everyone else, that men who claim to be women are what they
claim to be and have a right to be treated as such and that violent criminals
should be turned out onto the streets as soon as possible. That is only a sampling of their crazy and
evil ideas. They are the Devil’s fan
base indeed. So the Republican candidate
gets elected.
The Devil has played this trick very effectively in
economics. The Left has offered us an
option called socialism. Socialism is a
scheme of political salvation. It tells
us that our woes are all due to economic inequality, that the cause of economic
inequality is private ownership, and that salvation is to be attained by
eliminating private ownership and replacing it with some form of common or
public ownership. Don’t be deceived by
its surface appearance for if you look beneath the surface it is clear that
this is not some benevolent if sappy “lets care and share” sort of thing but
something far more sinister. Where its true
face can be seen is in its egalitarianism.
A movement that was genuinely about alleviating economic suffering and
misery would do so rather than obsessing about the unfairness, real or
imagined, of their being “haves” when there are also “have nots.” Eliminating private ownership is a way to
harm the “haves” not to help the “have nots.”
“Private property”, Simone Weil wrote in The Need for Roots, “is a vital need of the soul.” Socialism therefore reduces to Envy, the
hatred of others for their possession of something you desire that is the
second worst after Pride of the Seven Deadly Sins. That so many have been fooled into looking no
further than the surface and seeing something that looks to them like Christian
Love for the poor and disadvantaged should not surprise us. This is another of the Devil’s tricks, the
one identified by St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. Today, after about a century of socialism
having been given chance after chance to alleviate misery, only to produce more
than it alleviated, that trick is less effective.
This brings us to the other economic option that in the
Devil’s trick is presented as the alternative to the Left’s bad option of
socialism. This is capitalism, the economic
system for which liberalism has always advocated although the capitalism of
reality and the capitalism of liberal economic theory have never been the same
thing. For our purposes here the
differences are irrelevant. The key
elements common to reality “capitalism” and liberal theory “capitalism” are the
private ownership of capital (wealth that can be used to create more wealth),
contractual labour, and voluntary economic transactions. Since these are each preferable to their
alternatives, capitalism as a whole has been easy to sell to those who see socialism
for what it is and capitalism has often been thought of as the economics of the
Right despite its association with liberalism.
When it comes, however, to all those good things that the Left has
declared war on, capitalism, the economy of Big Business, has been very
destructive, arguably far more so than socialism. Richard M. Weaver, writing in 1948 identified
a few of these goods: “The moral solution is the distributive ownership of
small properties. These take the form of
independent farms, of local businesses, of homes owned by the occupants, where
individual responsibility gives significance to prerogative over property.” (Ideas Have Consequences, 121) He then added “Such ownership provides a
range of volition through which one can be a complete person, and it is the
abridgment of this volition for which monopoly capitalism must be condemned
along with communism.”
Much was made, and rightly so, in the Batflu scare of 2020
to 2022, of the harm the lockdowns and other repressive measures were doing to
small businesses that did not have the resources to weather that storm of
stupidity the way large conglomerates did.
While lockdowns, vaccine passports, and the like, are hardly “capitalist”
measures, I wonder which was responsible for eliminating more small businesses,
Batflu tyranny or the online global business empire of Donald the Orange’s
newfound billionaire bestie Jeff Bezos?
Numerous other examples of this trick of the Devil’s can be
produced. One that is particularly germane
at the moment is the nationalist opposition to the Left’s dream of world federalism
with global citizenship and a battery of international bureaucracies to impose sex
reassignment surgery on those few children they have allowed to escape
subsidized, near-mandatory, abortion the second they experience a moment of
gender confusion anywhere in the world whatever the local laws happen to say
about it. The alignment of the Left with
the Devil’s values is particularly obvious in this case. As tempting, however, as that makes the
nationalist option, it ought to be resisted by the Right.
For one thing, nationalism’s home, like that of political
messianism is properly on the Left.
Nationalism, historically, was a product of the French Revolution. The Jacobins equated nation with state, and
demanded, at the risk of your head if you didn’t comply, that loyalty to king
and Church be replaced with loyalty to the nation-state. For another, nationalism like socialism is a
vice masquerading as a virtue. The
virtue it pretends to be, obviously enough, is patriotism, the love of one’s
country. Nationalism, however, is a poor
imitation of patriotism. It’s
exaggerated and loud boasting about its country, its belligerence towards and
bullying of other countries, none of which is characteristic of quiet, irenic,
patriotism, betrays a lack of love for one’s country. In a
recent and excellent column Charles Coloumbe said much that is true, but when
he wrote of Donald the Orange “That the newly
restored president deeply loves the United States is, no doubt, true” he was
very mistaken. If Donald the Orange
deeply loved the United States, he would accept her for what she is warts and
all, quietly try to remove the warts without drawing attention to them, and
leave the rest of the world alone, rather than loudly proclaim his intention to
make her “Great Again” a proclamation that shows that he does not consider her
to be great now and that greatness, a measure of strength and size, is the
quality he wishes for her, rather than goodness, which is what someone who
truly loved her would look for and manage see in her, even underneath her
In the last example there is
a clear third alternative that the Right should chose over both nationalism and
the Left’s world federalism/global citizenship/international bureaucracy and
that is simple patriotism. Such an
alternative is more difficult to identify for the false choice of socialism and
capitalism, in part because there are a multitude of acceptable alternatives. The
distributism proposed by G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, its close
American cousin the agrarian economy that the Vanderbilt Twelve associated with
the antebellum South which Wendell Berry both promoted and lived, Austrian
economist Wilhelm Roepke’s synthesis of these with the liberal free market are
just three such. I shall defer further discussion
of this point to an essay of its own at a later date. I raise it here to make the point that these
choices are false choices. There are
other options than socialism and capitalism.
There is a better alternative to one-worldism than nationalism. There is a better alternative to democracy
than republicanism. We do not have to
fall for the Devil’s trick and choose capitalism because socialism is so
repugnant or choose nationalism because of all the evil that has been done by
one-worldism. Capitalism and nationalism
have historically been very destructive of the good things in this world that
we on the Right wish to conserve or restore.
Finally, just because the
Devil’s “fan base” on the Left, reviles and hates Donald the Orange for the
things he gets right such as his refusal to allow his country to overrun by
invaders, his banning the mutilation of children, his recognition of only two
sexes, and the like, this does not mean that we on the Right should join what
has so obviously become a deluded and dangerous cult, that worships the
American president, and blasphemously looks upon him as some kind of saviour
figure. Out of all these false choices,
this is by far the worst.
In the Olivet Discourse Jesus
warned that “many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
many.” (Matt. 24:5) Later
He told His disciples how to respond to these “Then if any man shall say unto
you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.” (v. 23). It is incumbent upon us to obey our Lord’s
words now. False christs, as Gamaliel
pointed out to the Sanhredrin in Acts 5, don’t end well, and they bring their
followers down with them. Jesus of
Nazareth, was shown to be the true Christ, the Son of God, by the fact that the
Crucifixion was not His end, He rose again from the dead and ascended into
Heaven and is present in His Church to this day. The Trump movement, by contrast, will end
like that of any other false christ. The
fact that he is president of the United States will only make his fall that
much harder.
Don’t fall for the Devil’s trick.